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Getting Started with ROS 2

This "new to ROS 2" course, with 6+ hours of hands-on learning, covers:

  • Power On & Charge
  • Updating Create 3
  • Connecting via Bluetooth the the Python Web Playground + running your first project
  • Connecting to Wi-Fi
  • Installing ROS 2 onto your Linux device or virtual machine
  • Running your first ROS 2 Command
  • Running basic commands in the command line interface
  • Building the Create 3 examples workspace and running your first example project
  • Exploring publishers and subscribers and then writing your own
  • Exploring action clients and then writing your own
  • Writing and building your own custom ROS 2 packages
  • Communicating with Create 3 over serial ports



Getting Started with Create 3

Use these resources to get started with Create 3, the next generation of iRobot’s affordable, trusted, all-in-one mobile robot development platform. Grasp the fundamentals of robotics, computer science, and engineering by programming the Create® 3 to perform simple behaviors, sounds, and movements, or tap into advanced applications including multi-robot exploration, navigation & mapping, and telepresence capabilities.


Teleop Twist with the Create 3

In this project, you'll build the Create 3 Examples repository from GitHub and drive the Create 3 Robot around with your computer's keyboard.


Intro to ROS 2: Working With The Command Line Interface (CLI)

In this video tutorial, learn how to use pre-baked ROS 2 commands in your computer's terminal window to control the Create 3 robot.

Coding ,

Python ,



Intro to ROS 2: Writing Publishers and Subscribers

In this video tutorial, the instructors cover the basics of writing a publisher and subscriber with ROS 2 and the Create 3 Robot.

Coding ,



Intro to ROS 2: Writing Action Clients

In this lesson, we learn the basics of writing a ROS 2 action client for the Create 3 Educational Robot.

Coding ,



Intro to ROS 2: Creating Packages

In this tutorial, Maddie and Kate walk you through the basics of creating a custom ROS 2 package.

Coding ,

Python ,


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