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Robot Feelings: The Kind Playground


Social Emotional Learning

Experience Level

No Experience Required

Grades 1-3

Grades 3-5


30-60 minutes

Group Size


Small Groups (2-4)

Compatible Robots

Root SimBot


In this game, we’ll pretend that Root is driving around the playground. Root has to make four (4) kind decisions in a row in order to win the game. If Root makes a bad choice, it has to start all the way at the beginning again! Let’s play together!

Downloads & Resources

The Kind Playground: Activity Guide Decision Cards How to Download a Project

How to Play

1) Make sure that your game board is assembled and you have the Playground Spinner code project open on your coding device.

2) Look at the first row on your board. Which side is the good choice?

3) Press Play and click on Root’s top in the simulator on the screen. Did Root turn in the direction of the good choice? If so, repeat Steps 2-3 with the next row!

4) Keep playing until Root turns in the direction of a bad choice. If that happens, start at the beginning of your gameboard with Row #1. If you’re playing with a partner, swap turns whenever a bad choice is made.

5) How long will it take for Root to make four good choices in a row? The first player to run Root through the playground without making a bad choice wins!

Coding Extension

Are you tired of letting a robot make a bunch of bad decisions?

Create a new coding project to code Root’s path around the playground, making good choices every time!


Congratulations on completing your coding activity! Your next steps are:

1. Share on social media that your class has completed an Hour of Code™ using the tags #HourOfCode and #iRobotEducation

2. Visit code.org/api/hour/finish to download your Hour of Code™ Completion Certificate!

Educational Standards

CSTA K-12 CS Standards


Model the way programs store and manipulate data by using numbers or other symbols to represent information.


Develop programs with sequences and simple loops, to express ideas or address a problem.


Debug (identify and fix) errors in an algorithm or program that includes sequences and simple loops.


Create programs that include sequences, events, loops, and conditionals.


Test and debug (identify and fix errors) a program or algorithm to ensure it runs as intended.