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Guess the Code


English Language Arts,


Experience Level


Grades 1-3

Grades 3-5

Grades 6-9


30-60 minutes

Group Size

Small Groups (2-4)

Large Groups (5-10)

Full Classroom (20+)

Compatible Robots

Root SimBot


This game challenges students to interpret code and compete to guess the pictures drawn and songs sung by the virtual Root Robot.

Downloads & Resources

Guess the Code: Lesson Plan GtC: Answer Key GtC: Answer Key (Blank) GtC: Code Cards GtC: Code Cards (Blank) How to Upload Projects Guide How to Download Projects Guide Guess the Code Lesson Trailer

**See the Guess the Code Lesson Plan (attached) for variations for In-Classroom, Remote/Hybrid, and At-Home Learning.

How to Play

  1. Visit code.irobot.com or open the iRobot™ Coding App.
  2. Review the How to Download Projects Guide (A) (attached).
  3. Select the first project code: To select a code at random, draw the first Code Card (D). NOTE: Some teachers may prefer to select a code from the Code Answer Key (C).
  4. Using the selected project code, download and open the first project. Wait ten (10) seconds before pressing play, giving other players the opportunity to read through the code and guess what the robot will draw/sing. NOTE: If using the virtual simulator, make sure it is open. If using the physical Root Coding Robot, close the simulator.
  5. If after ten (10) seconds, no players have guessed correctly, press “Play” on your program.
  6. Players should race to guess what the robot is drawing or singing. Once a player has guessed correctly, announce that they have won the round. Allow the project to finish playing.
  7. Repeat steps 3-6 until all 5-character codes have been guessed.

How to Score Points

Play a new version of the game with code drawings that students have created!

  1. 10 points: Player is the first to guess the correct answer BEFORE the code has started playing.
  2. 5 points: Player is the first to guess the correct answer before the project has finished playing.
  3. 1 point: Player is the first to guess the correct answer AFTER the project has finished playing.
  4. 0 points: No players were able to guess the correct answer.


Play a new version of the game with code drawings that students have created!

  1. Challenge students to create their own code drawings using the simulator on code.iRobot.com or in the iRobot™ Coding App.
  2. Students should first create their code drawing.
  3. Ask students to re-name their project with their first name. To rename their project, they can click in the upper-left corner where it says “New Project.”
  4. Review the How to Upload Projects Guide with students (attached).
  5. Ask students to upload their projects and send you their 5-character project code.
  6. Use all of the students’ codes to create your own Code Answer Key and/or Code Cards (blank versions are attached).
  7. Play the game again, this time using the new project codes created by your students! To prevent cheating, warn students that they cannot guess the answer when their created code is playing.


Congratulations on completing your coding activity! Your next steps are:

1. Share on social media that your class has completed an Hour of Code™ using the tags #HourOfCode and #iRobotEducation

2. Visit code.org/api/hour/finish to download your Hour of Code™ Completion Certificate!

Educational Standards

CSTA K-12 CS Standards


Develop programs with sequences and simple loops, to express ideas or address a problem.


Decompose (break down) the steps needed to solve a problem into a precise sequence of instructions.


Debug (identify and fix) errors in an algorithm or program that includes sequences and simple loops.


Create programs that include sequences, events, loops, and conditionals.


Decompose (break down) problems into smaller, manageable subproblems to facilitate the program development process.


Test and debug (identify and fix errors) a program or algorithm to ensure it runs as intended.